How to Get Better At Cycling? Learn These Tips

If you’re looking to improve your cycling skills and take your riding to the next level, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore various strategies and techniques to help you become a better cyclist. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, these tips will help you enhance your performance, endurance, and overall enjoyment on the bike.

To improve in cycling, consistently train, focus on both endurance and strength exercises, monitor progress, and adapt training based on performance and goals.

Set specific goals

To make progress in any endeavor, it’s important to set specific goals. Determine what you want to achieve in your cycling journey. Whether it’s completing a long-distance ride, improving your speed, or conquering challenging terrains, having clear objectives will provide you with motivation and direction.

Invest in a good bike

Having a reliable and well-fitted bike is crucial for your cycling success. Consider investing in a quality bike that suits your riding style and goals. A bike that fits you properly and is in good condition will enhance your comfort, efficiency, and overall performance on the road or trail.

Here’s a list of bikes suitable for various skill levels from beginners to professionals, categorized by type:

Road Bikes:

  1. Beginners: Giant Contend 3, Trek Domane AL 2.
  2. Intermediate: Cannondale Synapse Carbon Disc 105, Specialized Roubaix Comp.
  3. Advanced: Trek Madone SL 6, Pinarello Dogma F12.

Mountain Bikes:

  1. Beginners: Giant Talon 3, Trek Marlin 7.
  2. Intermediate: Specialized Rockhopper Comp, Santa Cruz Chameleon R.
  3. Advanced: Yeti SB130 TURQ X01, Pivot Mach 5.5 Pro XT.

Hybrid Bikes:

  1. Beginners: Schwinn Discover Hybrid Bike, Raleigh Cadent 1.
  2. Intermediate: Cannondale Quick CX 3, Giant Escape 2 City Disc.
  3. Advanced: Trek FX Sport Carbon 4, Specialized Sirrus X 5.0.

Gravel Bikes:

  1. Beginners: Giant Revolt 2, Fuji Jari 2.5.
  2. Intermediate: Cannondale Topstone 105, Specialized Diverge Comp.
  3. Advanced: Santa Cruz Stigmata GRX, Cervelo Aspero-5 Force eTap AXS.

Triathlon/Time Trial Bikes:

  1. Beginners: Quintana Roo PRfour Disc, Felt IA10.
  2. Intermediate: Cervelo P-Series 105, Trek Speed Concept 7.5.
  3. Advanced: Canyon Speedmax CF 8.0 Di2, Specialized Shiv Expert.

These bikes are well-regarded for their performance, durability, and suitability for different skill levels in each category. It’s important to test ride and choose a bike that fits your specific needs, preferences, and budget. Always consult with a local bike shop or professional for personalized recommendations.

Improve your bike handling skills

Being able to handle your bike with confidence and precision is essential for safe and enjoyable rides. Here are some key areas to focus on:

how to get better at cycling
Mountain biker riding his bike down a rocky pathway with sharp grey rocks and ominous black clouds overshadowing green wavy hills in the background.

Practice cornering

Cornering is a fundamental skill that allows you to navigate turns smoothly and efficiently. Find a safe area and practice leaning your bike into corners while maintaining control and balance. Gradually increase your speed and challenge yourself with tighter turns.

Master braking techniques

Knowing how to brake effectively is crucial for your safety and control. Practice modulating your brakes to achieve smooth and controlled stops. Learn to distribute your weight properly to avoid skidding or losing control.

Learn how to ride in a straight line

Maintaining a straight line while riding is important for group rides, traffic situations, and overall bike control. Practice riding on a flat, empty road or in a bike lane, focusing on keeping your bike steady and minimizing unnecessary movements.

Build your endurance

Endurance is a key component of cycling performance. Here are some strategies to improve your endurance:

Start with shorter rides and gradually increase distance

Begin by setting a comfortable distance and gradually increase it over time. This progressive approach allows your body to adapt and build endurance without risking overexertion or injury.

Include interval training in your routine

Interval training involves alternating between high-intensity efforts and recovery periods. Incorporate intervals into your rides by pushing yourself to ride at a faster pace for a set period, followed by a slower recovery phase. This type of training improves your cardiovascular fitness and helps you sustain higher speeds for longer durations.

Try hill repeats to improve climbing ability

Hill repeats involve repeatedly climbing a challenging hill or incline. This type of training helps build leg strength and improves your ability to tackle climbs. Start with shorter hill repeats and gradually increase the number of repetitions as your fitness improves.

how to get better at cycling

Week Day Activity Duration/Distance Intensity/Comments
1 Day 1 Easy Ride 30 minutes Maintain a comfortable pace
Day 2 Endurance Ride 1 hour Maintain a steady pace
Day 3 Interval Training 45 minutes Alternate moderate and high intensity intervals
2 Day 1 Endurance Ride 1.5 hours Focus on maintaining a steady pace
Day 2 Recovery Ride 30 minutes Keep the effort light and relaxed
Day 3 Hill Climbing 1 hour Incorporate hill climbs at a moderate effort
3 Day 1 Endurance Ride 2 hours Focus on consistent pacing
Day 2 Tempo Ride 1 hour Maintain a challenging but sustainable pace
Day 3 Interval Training 1 hour Alternate between high and low intensity intervals
4 Day 1 Endurance Ride 2.5 hours Incorporate varied terrain and maintain a steady pace
Day 2 Recovery Ride 45 minutes Easy-paced ride for active recovery
Day 3 Hill Repeats 1.5 hours Repeat hill climbs to build strength and stamina

Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your rides as you progress through the weeks. Rest and recovery days are equally important to prevent overtraining and allow your body to adapt. Adjust the schedule based on your fitness level and goals, and listen to your body to avoid injury or burnout

Work on your pedaling technique

Efficient pedaling technique can significantly enhance your cycling performance. Consider the following tips:

Focus on a smooth and efficient pedal stroke

Aim for a circular pedal stroke, applying force throughout the entire rotation. Avoid “mashing” the pedals or relying solely on pushing down. Practice pedaling in a controlled manner, focusing on a smooth and fluid motion.

Practice pedaling at different cadences

Experiment with different cadences (pedal revolutions per minute) to find your optimal rhythm. Higher cadences can reduce strain on your muscles and joints, while lower cadences can provide more power. Varying your cadence during rides will help you become more adaptable to different terrains and conditions.

Train your core and upper body

A strong core and upper body contribute to overall stability, power transfer, and bike control. Consider the following exercises:

Include strength training exercises

Incorporate exercises such as planks, push-ups, and rows to strengthen your core, arms, and back. A strong upper body will help you maintain a stable position on the bike and improve your handling.

Work on your posture and stability

Maintaining proper posture while cycling is essential for efficiency and injury prevention. Focus on engaging your core muscles and keeping your upper body relaxed but stable. Practice balancing exercises to improve your stability on the bike.

Improve your nutrition and hydration

Proper nutrition and hydration are vital for optimal performance and recovery. Consider the following tips:

Eat a balanced diet to fuel your rides

Consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Prioritize complex carbohydrates for sustained energy and include lean proteins for muscle repair and recovery.

Meal/Snack Foods Description
Breakfast Whole grain cereal, milk, fruits Provides carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscle repair.
Snack Greek yogurt, banana, almonds Offers a balance of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.
During Ride
Energy Gel/Gummies Carbohydrate gels or gummies Quick source of energy and easily digestible during the ride.
Electrolyte Drink Sports drink Replenishes electrolytes lost through sweat during exercise.
Lunch Grilled chicken, quinoa, veggies High in protein, complex carbs, and essential vitamins.
Snack Protein shake, fruit Helps in muscle recovery and provides a quick energy boost.
Dinner Salmon, sweet potato, broccoli Rich in protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients.
Hydration Water, coconut water Stay hydrated before, during, and after the ride.

Ensure you’re consuming a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals to fuel your rides effectively and aid in recovery. Adjust portion sizes based on your calorie needs and activity levels.

Stay hydrated before, during, and after cycling

Drink water regularly throughout the day to maintain proper hydration. During longer rides, consider carrying a water bottle or hydration pack to replenish fluids. Additionally, electrolyte-rich drinks can help replace lost minerals and maintain electrolyte balance.

Join a cycling group or club

Cycling with others can provide motivation, camaraderie, and opportunities for learning and improvement. Joining a cycling group or club allows you to ride with like-minded individuals, learn from experienced riders, and push yourself in a supportive environment.

how to get better at cycling

Track your progress and make adjustments

Keep a record of your rides, distances, and achievements. Tracking your progress allows you to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to your training plan. Consider using cycling apps or devices to monitor your performance and set new goals.

Otherwise, you may opt for the old-school method with pen and paper:

Week Date Activity/Exercise Duration/Distance Intensity/Comments Progress/Notes Adjustments

In this table, you can record the week, date, activity or exercise, duration or distance, intensity or comments, progress or notes, and adjustments you plan to make based on your progress. Use this to track your fitness journey and make informed adjustments to your routine as needed.


Improving your cycling skills requires dedication, practice, and a systematic approach. By setting specific goals, investing in a good bike, honing your bike handling skills, building endurance, refining your pedaling technique, training your core and upper body, optimizing your nutrition and hydration, joining a cycling group, and tracking your progress, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better cyclist.

Remember, consistency and enjoyment are key, so keep pedaling and embrace the journey towards cycling excellence.

Originally posted 2023-03-24 10:55:19.

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